Core Vitality Brain Support 120 caps

Core Vitality Brain Support 120 caps
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Brain Support:
Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC): In the right quantities this nutrient is a neurotransmitter enhancer that helps increase brain blood flow and circulation, boosts nerve growth, and improves mitochondria function. As an elevator of the brain’s acetylcholine (Ach) levels, this ingredient—naturally produced by the body and found in fish—helps support mental alertness, recall, reactivity, and learning retention.
DMAE: (dimethylaminoethanol) is a substance naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and also found in anchovies and sardines. DMAE supplements are promoted to boost brainpower, improve memory, and slow aging. The idea that DMAE can improve memory stems from research suggesting it may increase levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is believed to play an important role in learning and memory. Levels of acetylcholine decline among people with Alzheimer’s disease, and the drugs used to treat Alzheimer’s patients target the processes that break it down.
Alpha GPC: Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine (GPC), a form of choline, is an exciting nutrient recently developed as a cognitive enhancer.
Alpha GPC has significant nootropic properties, including memory enhancement and protection against brain aging. Extensive clinical trials involving thousands of participants have shown it to be an effective treatment for age-related memory loss associated with a variety of disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and stroke. It also has neuroprotective anti-aging capabilities and studies suggest it may also be useful in the treatment of anxiety.
It has non-nootropic benefits as well, including the ability to enhance cell membrane health and promote rapid recovery after physical exertion. Preliminary studies suggest that it may also act as a dopaminergic, promoting the release of the hormone dopamine, meaning it may serve as a potential treatment for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and may also be a mood enhancer.
Alpha GPC is regulated in Europe, where it is prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and sold under the brand names Gliatilin and Delecit. In the US it is considered a dietary supplement and is available without a prescription.
Phosphatidyl Serine: (PS) is an amino acid derivative compound that is fat-soluble and found in high amounts in the brain, where it contributes to cognitive functioning. Found in high amounts in fish, it may improve memory in the elderly and lowers cortisol.
Phosphatidylserine supplements may increase levels of brain chemicals involved with memory and improve brain cell communication. Although it’s not a cure, taking phosphatidylserine can improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia for some. It seems to be most effective in people with less severe symptoms.
Ginkgo Biloba: is one of the oldest living tree species. It is also one of the best-selling herbal supplements in the United States and Europe.
Ginkgo has a long history of use in treating blood disorders and memory issues. It is best known today as a way to potentially keep your memory sharp. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels and making blood less sticky. It is also an antioxidant.
For those reasons, ginkgo may improve vein and eye health. Ginkgo may help treat dementia (including Alzheimer disease) and intermittent claudication, or poor circulation in the legs. It may also protect memory in older adults.
Vinpocetine: is a derivative of the alkaloid vincamine. It is found in small amounts in the seeds of periwinkle plant.
Vinpocetine is a powerful memory enhancer. It achieves this principally by facilitating cerebral metabolism and improving blood flow in the brain. It works by causing mild dilation of blood vessels, thereby allowing for increased cerebral blood flow, which results in increased oxygenation and glucose utilization.
This makes vinpocetine an ideal candidate not only for the improvement and prevention of certain disease processes in need of increased blood flow and oxygenation, but also for athletes who want to enhance their performance by increasing brain oxygenation, such as skiers, mountain climbers, and high-altitude hikers.
In addition to more efficient brain circulation, vinpocetine has been found to increase brain-cell energy through its effect on the production of ATP (the cellular energy molecule).
Huperzine A (HupA) is an alkaloid extracted from club moss (Huperzia serrata).
Huperzine A: is an alkaloid extracted from club moss (Huperzia serrata). It is a potent, reversible, and specific inhibitor of the enzyme acetylcholine esterase (ACHE), which breaks down acetylcholine, although huperzine A also has other brain-supporting effects that do not involve ACHE (R).
Huperzine A binds to ACHE but its structure is not similar to that of acetylcholine.
Huperzine A works in similar ways to Alzheimer’s drugs, including donepezil, rivastigmine, tacrine, and galantamine, although with fewer side effects and somewhat more favorable pharmacokinetics (R).
Huperzine A helps with inflammation by reducing activities of NF-kB signaling, which may happen both through inhibition of acetylcholine esterase or in other ways (R).
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