Core Vitality Prostate Support 120 caps
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Core Vitality Prostate Support 120 caps
Marks, L., Partin, A., Epstein, J., Tyler, V., Simon, I., Macairan, M., Chan, T., Dorey, F., Garris, J., Veltri, R., Santos, P., Stonebrook, K., & Dekernion, J. (2000). Effects of a saw palmetto herbal blend in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia.. The Journal of urology, 163 5, 1451-6 .
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Prostate Support:
Saw Palmetto: is a palm-like shrub or small tree native to the southeastern United States. Saw Palmetto may help treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, which is commonly known as an enlarged prostate. According to Medline Plus, saw palmetto supplements alleviate several BPH symptoms, including difficulty urinating and urinating too frequently. Saw palmetto may even be as effective as some prescription prostate medications. Researchers disagree on how saw palmetto affects the prostate gland. Some believe the herb’s chemicals influence testosterone levels and reduce the enzyme that encourages prostate cell growth, other scientists think it shrinks the actual size of the prostate.
One of the leading causes of mortality for men is prostate cancer. This form of cancer is particularly dangerous because it is associated with prostate enlargement, something that naturally happens as men age. Saw palmetto extract can reduce prostate enlargement by inhibiting dihydrotestosterone, which stimulates cellular reproduction in the prostate. This lowers the chances of developing prostate cancer, eliminating painful urination and the discomfort that accompanies prostate issues. Saw palmetto is also known to speed healing and reduce bleeding in men undergoing prostate surgery.
Nettle Extract: Nettle root extract may help to manage the symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland. These symptoms primarily deal with urination, including uncomfortable urination, bladder irritation and overly frequent urination. Stinging Nettle Root extract may also reduce the symptoms of seasonal conditions such as itching and sneezing.
Pumpkin Seed: Pumpkin seeds appear to be remarkably effective in treating overactive bladder, a condition that causes a sudden urge to urinate and can sometimes result in mild urinary incontinence. Studies show that about one in six adult men and women suffer with symptoms of overactive bladder including urinary urgency, and frequent daytime and night urination. An overactive bladder can disturb sleep and reduce overall enjoyment of life.
Encouraging results have been reported in both animal and human studies using pumpkin seeds for treating overactive bladder, showing significant decreases in the number of daytime and nighttime urinations and improved quality of sleep. Furthermore, pumpkin seeds appear to provide significant relief for aging men dealing with urinary problems caused by BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or an enlarged prostate. One study found that a pumpkin seed extract used for three months in 53 men ages 50 to 80 years old increased urinary flow volume (urine stream) by 40 percent and decreased nighttime urinary frequency 30 percent, compared with those on placebo.
Beta sitosterol: is a plant-derived sterol also known as a phytosterol. Plant sterols or phytosterols are common components of plant foods, especially plant oils, seeds and nuts, cereals and legumes. The most common in our diet are beta sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol. Beta sitosterol is found in high amounts in nuts and amaranth.
Scientific studies indicate that beta-sitosterol consistently improves urinary symptoms related to prostate enlargement.
Scientists have found that campesterol and other plant sterols often decrease LDL cholesterol levels overall. That leads some scientists to view campesterol as a valuable element in controlling cholesterol and lowering the risk of heart disease.
Stigmasterol: is a phytosterol with potential anti-osteoarthritic properties. Although most studies have focused on the cholesterol-lowering activity of stigmasterol, other bioactivities have been ascribed to this plant sterol compound, one of which is a potential anti-inflammatory effect. To investigate the effects of stigmasterol, a plant sterol, on the inflammatory mediators and metalloproteinases produced by chondrocytes.
Lycopene: Lycopene is cancer-preventative phytonutrient — an antioxidant with a laundry list of amazing benefits. Its most commonly found in tomato nutrition, but you can consume it in a number of common fruits and veggies. It has some properties in common with beta-carotene, although they’re not identical.
As a pigment in food, lycopene is responsible for the red color of tomatoes, although not all red fruits and vegetables contain this antioxidant.
Lycopene plays a role in preventing and slowing several types of cancer, making any foods containing it cancer-fighting foods.
Scientists at the University of Portsmouth studied lycopene’s ability to slow the growth of breast and prostate cancer by interrupting signal pathways that would normally cause the tumors to grow more. (6) Another study including over 46,000 men showed a significant correlation between high lycopene intake and a reduced risk of prostate cancer.
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